
Welcome to the new blog for the Merseyside Thursday Club. The intention is to allow all those with a connection to the club, both present and past, to be kept up to date with what is happening at the club.

Friday, 15 July 2011

The New Bus Arrives at Last

After a long wait our new mini-bus has finally arrived. Sue Davies and Pete Wallace went along to Peoples in Bootle, last Friday, to pick it up from Dennis Aspinall. A huge thanks to all of those who helped with the fund raising for the bus with a special mention for  Maura from Vitaflo and Chris Davies. In addition we would like to mention Sylvia (from Radio Merseyside's A Team), Anne-Marie Chatterton in the Ford Press Office and Steve Clary, Commercial Vehicles Director at Ford without whose help we would still be waiting for our bus. (Steve also knocked a further £500 of the price of the bus).
The timing means that we now have our new bus in time for this year's holiday in Bournemouth, which starts on 31st July.

After the excitement of the bus arriving had died down we made the most of the warm Summer evening and a number of members went over to Sefton Park to play rounders. As usual there was lots of cheating, trippings up and general mayhem. The final scores were anyone's guess.