
Welcome to the new blog for the Merseyside Thursday Club. The intention is to allow all those with a connection to the club, both present and past, to be kept up to date with what is happening at the club.

Sunday, 9 January 2011

to all involved with Thursday Club.

As you can see from earlier posts we had a great Christmas, both the Carol Concert and the Christmas meal and visit from FC a week later. We are now planning the year ahead.
On 20th January we have our annual visit to the Everyman Panto. This year it is SLEEPING BEAUTY and all of the members are looking forward to another great show with lots of singing and shouts of "He's behind you".

We are also planning a weekend in Skipton around March. Places will be limited and information / forms will be distributed soon.
March is also the expected delivery month for our new mini-bus which is now ordered. Again thanks to all those instrumental in helping to raise the money for it.